
Note: Page numbers followed by f indicate figures.


Activation energy 156
Aging mechanisms 156
A-law algorithm 131
Aliasing effect 129–130, 130f
Alkaline batteries 150
Alternating current (AC) 
analysis 67
signals 4
Ambient temperature 82–83, 154–155
circuit analysis methods 67–68
circuit design 65
discrete transistors 65–66
electret microphones 88–90
integrated amplifiers 65–66, 83
low-impedance load, MOSFETs 
input and first stage 77–80
passive components 77
second stage and output 80–81, 81f
specifications and topology 77
tolerances 77
noise, interference and crosstalk 86–88
op amps 83–86
power amplifiers 81–83
specifications 66–67
transistor packages 65–66, 65f
Amplitude modulation ...

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