
Note: Page numbers followed by “f“, “t“ and “b“ refers to figures, tables and Boxes respectively.


Aerospace and defense, 24t–32t
Aerospace and space, 22
Air transmissions, 101b
AMD/National Semiconductor x86 reference board, 95f
Ammeter, 590, 591f
Ampro MIPS reference board, 96f
Ampro PowerPC reference board, 96f
Anode, 112
Application software, 456
general-purpose, 456
market specific, 456
Architectural structures, 6t–8t
allocation, 6t–8t
component and connector, 6t–8t
module, 6t–8t
Architectural systems engineering approach
importance of, 11–17
Assembler, 35
Assembly language, 33, 34t
Attachment unit interface (AUI), 282


Background debug mode (BDM), 558
Backplane buses, 296
bridges, 295
bus arbitration and timing, 297–306
asynchronous, ...

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