
Acidic electrolyzed water, 593
Active packaging, 591, 605
Adiabatic heating, 5–6
Air bubbles and particles, pulsed electric fields processing, 103
Airborne power ultrasonic system, 498
Airborne sonication, 282
microwave vacuum drying and, 435–437
osmotic dehydration and, 195–198
Alkaline phosphatase, PEF’s effect on, 161–162
Allergens, pressure-treated meat products, 49
Antifreeze proteins (AFPs), 539–562
chemical alternatives to, 555
cold tolerance in cold-blooded animals, 545–546
freeze tolerance, 545
freeze avoidance, 545–546
enhancement of antifreeze activity, 553–554
historical review of research, 544–545
mechanism, 550–553
antifreeze effect, 552–553
binding to ice, 550–552
physical and chemical characteristics, 555–556
types, 547–550
fish AFPs ...

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