
ABB, 130

Accenture (CPaaS), 131–132

Access control, 158

Adjacent training, 113

Administrative costs, 53

Advanced and augmented analytics, 173–174

Affordability, 15

Agriculture industry, 47–48

AI. See Artificial intelligence

Alarm rules, 144

Algorithms, 171

Alibaba Cloud, 42–43

Altizon (Datonis), 133–134

Amber (AMB), 29

Ambrosus, 27–29

Analytics, 143

Analytics of data, 124

Anonymity, 66

APIs, 143

Artificial intelligence (AI)

AI-driven technologies, 116

combat terrorism and crime, 167–171

in counter-terrorism, 169–170

and machine learning, 107

opportunities, 147–149

pervasiveness, 175

privacy, 171–173

and robotics, 169

Ashton, K., 5

Atos (Codex IoT), 134

Automated hospital, 97

Automating repetitive, time-consuming processes, 90

Automating ...

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