13Work as a Factor of Integration and Employability: The Case of Trisociété
Companies are changing according to their strategic choices, as well as under the triple effect of the rise of financial and short-term logic, the increase in service activities and the development of information and communication technologies, first and foremost the digital revolution, which Alain Supiot recently reminded us was “a source of both risks and opportunities” (Supiot 2019). Companies are coping with these transformations by changing their strategy, their organization and their management style. As for the employees, they are strongly “invited” to face these changes and to take their career path in hand in order to keep a certain attractiveness on the job1 market.
In this dynamic, the notion of employability tends to reinforce individual responsibility to the point of making it predominant. This notion will be questioned first. We will consider it not mainly as an individual quality, but as the result of collective actions and services. To illustrate our point, we will use the observation of the practices of a work integration social enterprise (WISE) whose main lesson is to make us understand that the development of employability is above all a question of human resources management policies and practices, management and work organization. We assume that employability is actualized in the work, that the conditions of realization of the work are carrying its formative potential, and consequently ...
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