Chapter 6

Generating Engaging Content


check Mastering the basics of content marketing

check Finding inspiration in different content types

check Getting your employees involved in content generation

check Formalizing your efforts with a content marketing plan

Creating engaging content is crucial to winning the attention and interest of your target audiences and building the long-term reputation of your employer brand. Advertising can play an important role in grabbing people’s attention, but it’s seldom enough to maintain brand engagement. In the new social mobile media environment the game has moved on, with growing demand for a more authentic and continuous flow of people-focused, story-led content.

Ideally, you do such a good job of engaging your target audiences that they share your content with others. Content generation begins to take on a life of its own, and a vibrant community emerges populated by individuals who genuinely enjoy interacting with one another. Over time, that energy and excitement begin to draw top talent from around the world, who want to join your organization and ...

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