20 Five Amazing Women Making a Difference in STEM

Michelle Segrest

Navigate Content, Inc, Alabama, United States of America

DOI: 10.1201/9781003336495-23


  1. 20.1 Introduce a Girl to Engineering
  2. 20.2 Women Solve Water Industry Challenges
  3. 20.3 Ignoring the Glass Ceiling
  4. 20.4 Engineering Effective Reliability Strategies
  5. 20.5 Understanding the Mechanics of Machines
  6. About the Author

For more than 100 years, women have been forging the way for other women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. One of the first to blaze the trail was Kate Gleason, who in 1918 was unanimously elected to the ASME as its first female member. The ASME had been around since 1880 so recognizing a female in the field took a while.

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