Chapter 1. Introduction 3
development, Component Based Design, and Enterprise Application Integration
technology to an architectural approach for IT system integration.
Services are the building blocks of SOA, providing interfaces to functions out of
which distributed systems can be built. Services can be invoked independently
by either external or internal service consumers to process simple functions, or
can be chained together to form more complex functionality and so to quickly
devise new functionality.
What a service is
A service can be defined as any discrete function that can be offered to an
external consumer. This can be an individual business function or a collection of
functions that together form a process. For example, the process of a car dealer
selling a car to a new client involves process steps like:
1. Create client.
2. Correlate car and client.
Each of these steps can be designed as an independent service. A higher-level
service could use both and bind the single process steps to one process.
A service consists of the following three parts, which together are able to deliver
usable service functionality:
򐂰 Service contract
The service contract provides the formal specification of a service and
contains information like purpose, functionality, format of request and reply,
pre-conditions and post-conditions, exception handling, quality of service, and
so on. A formal interface definition provided by IDL or WSDL can be seen as
an optional part of the service contract.
򐂰 Service interface
The service interface exposes the implementation of the functionality.
Although the description of the interface is part of the service contract, the
physical implementation is contained in the service producer and consumer.
򐂰 Service implementation
The service implementation provides the business logic that is exposed by
the service interface.
1.1.3 Design principles
To meet the requirements of the drivers, a set of design principles is needed to
refine the desired characteristics of the system. Because services are a crucial
part of SOA, the principles mostly define their behavior and interaction.
4 Enabling SOA Using WebSphere Messaging
Services should be delivered at a level of granularity and abstraction that is
meaningful to the service requestor. Many descriptions of SOA refer to the use of
large-grained services; however, some powerful counter examples of successful,
reusable, fine-grained services exist. For example, getBalance is a very useful
service, but hardly large grained.
More realistically, there will be many useful levels of service granularity in most
SOAs. For example, all of the following are services; however, they have
different granularity. Some degree of choreography or aggregation is required
between each granularity level for them to be integrated in an SOA:
򐂰 Technical Function Services
For example, auditEvent, checkUserPassword, and checkUserAuthorization
򐂰 Business Function Services
For example, calculateDollarValueFromYen and getStockPrice
򐂰 Business Transaction Services
For example, checkOrderAvailability and createBillingRecord
򐂰 Business Process Services
For example, openAccount, createStockOrder, reconcileAccount, and
A service can be any business or technical function; however, in an SOA it is
preferable that the function is genuinely reusable. It is therefore inevitable that
conventions will need to be defined for assigning services to corresponding
abstraction layers. A criteria for this definition may be the level on which a service
provides a reasonable amount of reuse.
Figure 1-1 on page 5 provides an overview of the different abstraction levels
within an SOA.
Chapter 1. Introduction 5
Figure 1-1 SOA abstraction layers
Figure 1-1 is described below:
򐂰 Functional domain
Acts as the owner of different business processes. For example, a car dealer
needs to have a process for selling cars.
򐂰 Business process
A business process typically has a state attached to it and often acts as a
controller or workflow engine by calling different lower-level services
providing parameters that reflect the actual state of the process. For example,
the selling of a car involves the credit check for a client as well.
򐂰 Business services
A business service is atomic in nature but orchestrates the invocation of
lower-level component services into a business-level process. A business
service is stateless from the view of the requestor but may hold internal state
while calling lower-level services. Business services can be called
synchronously or asynchronously. For example, a car business service
provides the functionality of checking if a specific car is reserved for a client
before it performs the selling.
򐂰 Component services

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