Adding a character to the characters model

Now that we have made our Characters entity model/view aware, we will still need a utility method to add a new character to it. This method will be called add and will take the character's name as an argument.

We will add its declaration to characters.h:

// characters.h#ifndef CHARACTERS_H...class Characters : public QAbstractListModel{...public:   ...    void add(const QString& name);...}...

Then, we will provide its implementation in characters.cpp:

// characters.cpp...void Characters::add(const QString &name){    if (! m_list.contains(name)) {        beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), m_list.count(), m_list.count());        m_list.append(name);        endInsertRows();    }}...

Besides the push_back method of QList (which is equivalent ...

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