A nice addition to improve the readability of the comic script would be to provide auto-highlighting for the character names. It turns out that Qt exposes a QSyntaxHighlighter (http://doc.qt.io/qt-5.9/qsyntaxhighlighter.html) component, which just does this. It can be attached to a QTextDocument (http://doc.qt.io/qt-5.9/qtextdocument.html), such as the default text document, which is embedded in our QTextEdit script editor.
A full tutorial to implement a custom syntax highlighter is available at http://doc.qt.io/qt-5.9/qtwidgets-richtext-syntaxhighlighter-example.html.
We will make use of a regular expression to find any sequence of type > character name: and display it as bold, blue text. To achieve this, ...