Implementing the HTTP BroadcasterChannel

Now that we have an HTTP server library in our project, we can use it to create an HTTP-based BroadcasterChannel that sends sensor data over HTTP.

In the usual way, we create a new class called channels::BroadcasterHttp that inherits from channels::BrodcasterChannel, just like channels::BroadcasterBt did. The following is the API that we will want to provide specific implementations for:

// broadcaster_http.h#ifndef BROADCASTER_HTTP_H#define BROADCASTER_HTTP_H#include "broadcaster_channel.h"namespace channels {class BroadcasterHttp : public BroadcasterChannel{public:    explicit BroadcasterHttp(QObject* parent = nullptr);    bool init() override;public slots: void sendReadings(QList<QVariantMap> readings) ...

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