24Practice Makes Conscious (The Core Disciplines)

Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.

—George Bernard Shaw, playwright and writer

The following week, Richard reported that the sales team had decided to come into the office together one day per week. Obviously, there'd been no uptick in business yet, but he could sense the change in energy.

“So about that new rabbit hole,” he said. “Are there any ‘tricks’ to maintaining a high energy level? I'd really like to sustain the energy level I've been experiencing this week.”

“For sure,” I said, “but maybe we should order first.”

We ordered our lunch and then I began.

“As we've discovered, there are many influences on your energy in any particular moment. The work we've been doing on the influencers deals with changing energy in the moment so that your energy is at the highest possible level at that time. So, to make sure energy is high, you'll want to have your employees constantly look at the influencers and make a lot of adjustments. Having people do what you did with your Success Journal will help them learn what works best for them and to make those adjustments.

“The next part of the equation is where the rabbit hole continues and never stops, and it centers around building a life philosophy and way of being that automatically resonates at high energy levels – and thus makes you less likely to experience energy drains in the first place.

“That life philosophy includes continuing to practice everything ...

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