Chapter 1

The Social Media Manifesto


In my 20-year marketing career, I've dedicated the last 14 years specifically to the practice of and experimentation in online interaction. My findings are based solely on the chemistry of failure, success, and, well, ambivalence, which equals either defeat or promise. The constant theme throughout has been the sustained balance between the pursuit of new influencers and the incorporation of proven traditional methods. This experience, and the experiences of others, ultimately serves as the foundation for creating a new communications bridge between companies and customers.

Socialized media has:

  • Rewired the processes by which consumers share experiences, expertise, and opinions
  • Broadened the channels available to consumers who seek information
  • Changed how companies approach markets
  • Altered how companies develop products
  • Remodeled the processes by which companies connect with and show appreciation for their customers
  • Transformed the method of influence, augmenting the ranks of traditional market experts and thought leaders with enthusiasts and innovators who self-create content-publishing platforms for their views
  • Facilitated customers’ direct engagement in the conversations that were previously taking place without their participation

A fundamental shift in our culture is under way and it is creating a new landscape of influencers, as well as changing how we define influence. By establishing ...

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