WE HAVE BEEN HELPED BY FAR MORE PEOPLE than we will ever succeed in acknowledging. We are blessed with a large circle of remarkable friends and colleagues, and they have taught us much. We begin with Terry Deal, a valued teacher, wonderful collaborator, and beloved friend to us both. Equally significant is the late Chris Argyris, an extraordinary teacher and friend who was instrumental in both our decisions to make a career of studying organizations and leadership. Our first-born is named Chris, so no more need be said about the place that Chris holds in our hearts. Ed Schein is also at the top of our list for his friendship, keen ability to cut through complexity, and impact on us and so many others. Other highly valued individuals have enriched our lives and careers in important ways; and we send special nods of affection and appreciation to Dave Brown, Marcy Crary, Tim Hall, Mary Jo Hatch, Todd Jick, Bill Kahn, Leslie Kagan, Diane Kellogg, Clancy Martin, Bob Marx, Phil Mirvis, Ann Olivarius, Barry and Karen Oshry, Amy Sales, Lorie Spencer, and our cultured and artsy Mahkeenac Heights neighbors (especially Joel Laski, Lloyd Johnson, John “Ace” McCarthy, and Linda and David Burghardt).
We have learned from and tested many of our ideas with our colleagues and students over the years at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, Harvard, Babson, Princeton, Carnegie Mellon, UMass-Boston, Yale, and Wheelock, as well as with participants in many workshops, corporate ...
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