
1.1 Terminology and Notation

A force exerted on a body tends to change the state of the body, that is, if the body is rigid the force tends to move the body, but when the body is elasto-plastic the force tends to deform the body.

A force can be defined as a vector quantity that is defined by magnitude and direction. The direction of a force is specified by its orientation (also known as the line of action) and sense. The magnitude of a force is a positive scalar. A scalar is a number expressed in specific units of measure.

Vectors (forces) are usually denoted by boldface letters. If the starting point images and the end point images of a vector (force) are given, the vector (force) could be denoted by images or more simply images. It is also usual to denote the magnitude of the vector (force) by images or by images. Some other notations for vectorial quantities could be , , or .

Graphically a force is represented ...

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