1. Form the partial differential equation from the following:
    1. z = ax + by + a2 + b2

      Ans. z = px + qy + p2 + q2

    2. z = (a + x2) (b + y2)

      Ans. pq = 4xyz

    3. (xa)2 + (yb)2 + z2 = c2

      Ans. Z2(p + q + 1) = c2

  2. Find the differential equation of all planes which are at a constant distance ‘a’ from the origin.

    Ans. image

  3. Form partial differential equation by eliminating the arbitrary functions from the following:
    1. z = f1 (x) f 2 (y)

      Ans. image

    2. image

      Ans. px + qy

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