Multiple Choice Questions

  1. Laser action is found in _________ semiconductor.    ( )
    1. direct band gap
    2. indirect band gap
    3. germanium
    4. silicon
  2. In computer, printers _________ laser is used.    ( )
    1. He–Ne gas
    2. ruby
    3. semiconductor
    4. CO2
  3. Laser radiation is: ( )
    1. highly monochromatic
    2. partially monochromatic
    3. white light
    4. none
  4. Under population inversion, the number of atoms in the higher energy state is _________ than in the lower energy state.    ( )
    1. lesser
    2. larger
    3. both a and b
    4. none
  5. Laser radiation is:    ( )
    1. highly directional
    2. monochromatic
    3. coherent and stimulated
    4. all
  6. In conventional light sources,    ( )
    1. different atoms emit radiation at different times
    2. there is no phase relation between the emitted photons
    3. different atoms emit photons in different ...

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