Review Questions

  1. Write a detailed note on nanoscience and nanotechnology.


    (Set-1, Set-3–May 2008), (Set-2–Sept. 2008)

  2. Write a detailed note on nanoscience.


    (Set-1–Sept. 2008), (Set-4–May 2008)

  3. How the physical and chemical properties of nanomaterials vary with their size?


    (Set-4–Sept. 2008) (Set-2–May 2008)

  4. Write the important applications of nanomaterials.


    (Set-4–Sept. 2008), (Set-2–May 2008)

  5. Write the important applications of nanomaterials in medicine.


    (Set-2–Sept. 2008), (Set-1, Set-3–May 2008)

  6. Why nanomaterials exhibit different properties? Explain.


    (Set-1–Sept. 2008), (Set-4–May 2008)

  7. What are nanomaterials? Explain.


    (Set-3–Sept. 2008)

  8. Nanomaterials exhibit different properties. Explain the reason.


    (Set-3–Sept. 2008)

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