Review questions

  1. What is Fermi level? Explain the Fermi-Dirac distribution function for electrons in a metal. Discuss the variation with temperature.


    (Set-1, Set-2, Set-4–Sept. 2007), (Set-4–May 2006), (Set-2, Set-3–June 2005)

  2. Explain the origin of energy bands in solids.


    (Set-1, Set-3, Set-4–May 2007), (Set-1, Set-2, Set-3–Sept. 2006), (Set-2, Set-3–May 2006), (Set-1, Set-4–June 2005), (Set-1–May 2003)

  3. Assuming the electron-lattice interaction to be responsible for the scattering of conduction electrons in a metal, obtain an expression for conductivity in terms of relaxation time and explain any three drawbacks of classical theory of free electrons.


    (Set-1, Set-3, Set-4–May 2007), (Set-1, Set-2, Set-3–Sept. 2006), (Set-2, Set-3–May 2006), ...

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