Further reading




English usage and writing style

Amis, Kingsley, The King’s English, HarperCollins, 1997

Blamires, Harry,Correcting your English, Bloomsbury, 1996

Bryson, Bill, Troublesome Words, Viking, 2001

Burchfield, R.W. (ed), The New Fowler’s Modern English Usage (third edition), OUP, 1996

Burridge, Kate, Blooming English, ABC Books for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, 2002

Cochrane, James, Between You and I, Icon, 2003

Dummett, Michael, Grammar and Style for Examination Candidates and Others, Duckworth, 1993

Evans, Harold, Essential English for Journalists, Editors and Writers, revised by Crawford Gillan, Pimlico, 2000

Greenbaum, Sidney and Whitcut, Janet, Longman Guide to English Usage,Penguin, ...

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