Chapter 10
Utilities: Renewing the Business
Understanding how revenue prospects and consumer expectations affect utilities
Discovering how AI and big data can empower the smart grid and beyond
Mapping AI techniques to solutions for utilities
Exploring utilities use cases for AI
The energy and utilities industry has undergone a significant transformation in recent years. Prompted by evolving customer expectations, increased competition, regulatory change, and an increasing availability of new technology, this shift drove the industry into a new era in which better customer-facing support, back-office operations, and overall performance are constantly evolving targets. According to Deloitte research, the U.S. electricity industry is characterized by low load growth, so asset utilization is also an increasingly important area of focus. Of course, there is an increasing push toward renewable energy sources, characterized by rapid growth in areas such as solar power.
To take advantage of time and cost savings from automation, many utilities are turning to AI and big data ...
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