23Building Your AI Operating Model and Transformation Plan

If you don't know where you're going, any road will get you there.

—Lewis Carroll

You are now standing at an important juncture—architecting the framework that decides how your company will embed AI into its processes and sketch the master blueprint for your AI transformation. This chapter builds on the work done in the previous chapter, where you focused on establishing an AI COE.

Your emphasis now shifts to understanding and implementing an AI operating model that resonates with your organizational ethos to deliver both value and continuous innovation (see Figure 23.1). It is not just about technology or even strategy but is more about taking a customer-centric lens and navigating the intricacies of AI-driven innovation. You will focus on building cross-functional teams, instilling a culture of continuous improvement and innovation, and aligning with core strategic values.

An illustration depicting the scale and transform with nine steps, each represented by a numbered circle. In the center is an enterprise A I journey map featuring scale and transform A I numbered 07 with a small white icon of a paper airplane. The right side includes. 1. Scale and transform. 2. Build your A I operating model and transformation plan. 3. Objective.

FIGURE 23.1: SCALE AND TRANSFORM: Build your AI operating model and transformation plan

It doesn't end there. You will be crafting a transformation plan tailor-made for you, which will act as a catalyst for transformation to come. You will chart out the long-term vision, objectives, and timelines. A hands-on exercise will help you to draft such a plan.


The AI operating model is the second important pillar ...

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