© CA 2018
Shamayel M. FarooquiEnterprise DevOps Frameworkhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-3612-3_1

1. How IT Operated: People, Processes, Technology

Shamayel M. Farooqui1 
Banjara Hills, Telangana, India

When I began my new position in 2013, IT was running in a traditional manner. That meant there were large teams focused on specific domains of IT operating independently. This led to them not fully grasping the overall impact of their work or aligning with the goals of the organization.

There was hardly any creativity at play and every task would end up being done in the most mechanical and staid way. Collaboration was more of an effort than the default practice. Teams would often work in silos and had very low visibility into the other teams’ ...

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