JMS-Based Message-Driven Beans

Message-driven beans (MDBs) are stateless, server-side, transaction-aware components for processing asynchronous messages delivered via JMS. While a message-driven bean is responsible for consuming messages, its container manages the component’s environment: transactions, security, resources, concurrency, and message acknowledgment. It’s particularly important to note that the container manages concurrency. The thread safety provided by the container gives MDBs a significant advantage over traditional JMS clients, which must be custom built to manage resources, transactions, and security in a multithreaded environment. An MDB can process hundreds of JMS messages concurrently because many underlying bean instances of the MDB can execute concurrently in the container.

A message-driven bean is a complete enterprise bean, just like a session or entity bean, but there are some important differences. While a message-driven bean has a bean class, it does not have a business or component interface. These are absent because the message-driven bean responds only to asynchronous messages and not to direct client invocations.


MDBs are identified using the @javax.ejb.MessageDriven annotation or, alternatively, are described in an EJB deployment descriptor. An MDB can be deployed alone, but it’s more frequently deployed with the other enterprise beans that it references.


We’ll see later that because MDBs can receive messages from ...

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