Using JAX-WS

The WSDL, JAX-RPC mapping, and webservices.xml files sure are a lot of things to define just to expose your stateless EJB as a web service. It should be easier to publish an EJB as a web service—and it is. One of the goals of the JAX-WS specification was to make the JAX-RPC API and deployment model easier to use. To this end, the specification provides an extensive set of annotations, most of which are based on JSR-181 (“Web Services Metadata for the Java Platform”). These annotations make it much simpler to define a web service. Keeping with the spirit of EJB 3.1, all JAX-WS annotations have reasonable defaults. In the following example, it takes nothing more than adding two annotations to transform a stateless EJB into a web service:

package com.titan.webservice;

import javax.ejb.Stateless;
import javax.jws.WebService;
import javax.jws.WebMethod;

public class TravelAgentBean
   public String makeReservation(int cruiseId, int cabinId,
                                 int customerId, double price) {

The @WebService Annotation

The main annotation for defining a web service is @javax.jws.WebService. This annotation must be placed on the stateless session bean implementation class in order to expose it as a web service:

package javax.jws; @Target({TYPE}) @Retention(value=RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) public @interface WebService { String name( ) default ""; String targetNamespace( ) default ""; String serviceName( ) default ""; String wsdlLocation( ) default ""; String ...

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