EJB 2.1: Message Linking
Message linking is a new feature to EJB
2.1 that allows the messages being sent by any enterprise bean to be
routed to a specific message-driven bean in the same deployment. By
using message linking, you can orchestrate a flow of messages between
components in the same application. For example, in the beginning of
this chapter, the TravelAgent EJB from Chapter 11 was re-implemented so that it sent a JMS
message with the ticket information to a Topic destination.
Here’s a different implementation of the TravelAgent
EJB’s bookPassage( )
method, this
time using an ObjectMessage
public TicketDO bookPassage(CreditCardDO card, double price) throws IncompleteConversationalState { if (customer == null || cruise == null || cabin == null) { throw new IncompleteConversationalState( ); } try { ReservationHomeLocal resHome = (ReservationHomeLocal) jndiContext.lookup("java:comp/env/ejb/ReservationHomeLocal"); ReservationLocal reservation = resHome.create(customer, cruise, cabin, price, new Date( )); Object ref = jndiContext.lookup ("java:comp/env/ejb/ProcessPaymentHomeRemote"); ProcessPaymentHomeRemote ppHome = (ProcessPaymentHomeRemote) PortableRemoteObject.narrow(ref, ProcessPaymentHomeRemote.class); ProcessPaymentRemote process = ppHome.create( ); process.byCredit(customer, card, price); TicketDO ticket = new TicketDO(customer,cruise,cabin,price); TopicConnectionFactory factory = (TopicConnectionFactory) jndiContext.lookup("java:comp/env/jms/TopicFactory"); ...
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