Filling in the Gaps
The J2EE specification attempts to fill the gaps between the
components and Enterprise JavaBeans by defining how these
technologies come together to form a complete platform. One of the
ways in which J2EE adds value is by creating a consistent programming
model across web components and enterprise beans through the use of
the JNDI ENC and XML deployment descriptors. A servlet in J2EE can
access JDBC DataSource
objects, environment
entries, and references to enterprise beans through a JNDI ENC in
exactly the same way that enterprise beans use the JNDI ENC. To
support the JNDI ENC, web components have their own XML deployment
descriptor that declares elements for the JNDI ENC
) as well as security roles and
other elements specific to web components. In J2EE, web components
are packaged along with their XML deployment descriptors and deployed
in JAR files with the extension
.war, which
stands for web
archive. A
file can contain several servlets and JSP
documents that share an XML deployment descriptor. The use of the
JNDI ENC, deployment descriptors, and JAR files in web components
makes them consistent with the EJB programming model and unifies the
entire J2EE platform.
Use of the JNDI ENC makes it much simpler for web components to
access Enterprise JavaBeans. The web component developer does not
need to be concerned with the network location of enterprise beans;
the server will map the <ejb-ref>
elements listed ...
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