

Truth 1

[1] Low, Murray B., and I. C. MacMillian. 1988. Entrepreneurship: Past research and future challenges. Journal of Management. Vol. 14, No. 2: 139–161.

[2] Lee, J. and S. Venkataraman. 2006. Aspirations, market offerings, and the pursuit of entrepreneurial opportunities. Journal of Business Venturing. 21: 107–123.

[3] Kruger, N. F. Jr., M. D. Reilly, and A. L. Carsrud. 2000. Competing models of entrepreneurial intentions. Journal of Business Venturing. 15: 411–432.

Truth 2

[1] Pervin, L. A. 1968. Performance and satisfaction as a function of individual-environment fit. Psychology Bulletin. 26: 56–68.

[2] Berry, T. Mirror, mirror, on the wall: What startup? Up and running blog. ...

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