14.7. Leadership

Figure 14.8 summarizes some key differences between entrepreneurs, managers, and entrepreneurial leaders. The entrepreneurial leader plays a distinct role, critical for sustaining a growing organization.

Figure 14.8. The entrepreneur vs. manager vs. entrepreneurial leader

14.7.1. Starting the Delegation Process

The entrepreneur typically starts out doing everything. She answers phones, ships product, designs advertisements—in essence, performing just about all the activities needed to ensure the organization gets product sold and out the door. But sometime in early growth, the organization will outgrow her ability to keep up. She will have neither the time nor the expertise to deal with the range of challenges a burgeoning business presents. The following are symptoms revealing that the organization has outgrown the entrepreneur's capacity.

The volume of decisions multiplies. The entrepreneur is working harder but accomplishing less.

Decisions become more difficult to make: more complex and specialized. The entrepreneur increasingly wonders whether she has made the right decision.

Everyone is still pitching in and doing everything, but more and more, something ...

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