
Note: Page numbers followed by “f” indicate figures, and “t” indicate tables.


afun( ) function 149–150
commands for 5–6
Fundamental Theorem of 158
linear 7
of random variables 41
Algebraic eigenvalue problem 168
Aliased datasets 119
Aliasing 118, 118f
Amplitude 113–114
peak, significance of 284–289
spectral density 120, 121f, 124, 250, 251f
polynomial 240–241
precomputation of function 253
small number 242–245
and Taylor series 240–241
value of 239–240
Area under a function 128–129, 129f
areaofcircle( ) function 301
Arithmetic, commands for 5–6
Artifacts 225
Artificial neural networks 254–255
atan2( ) function 175, 302
Atlantic Rock dataset 
elements order in 180
sample order in 179–180
singular values of  ...

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