24 Equivalence and Noninferiority Tests
proc reg data = calc outest = outreg1;
model Y = X;
data outreg2;
set outreg1;
drop _TYPE_;
data bigcalc;
set outmeans;
set outreg2;
seslope = _RMSE_/sqrt(ssx);
tval = tinv(1-betabar,nx-2);
lowlim = X + tval*seslope;
upplim = X - tval*seslope;
proc print data = bigcalc;/*dataset bigcalc: var X is slope
estimate */
var nx X lowlim upplim;
The output parameter “CSS” in proc reg is the corrected sums of squares.
So, “ssx” is the corrected sums of squares for the X variable, as X is the rst
column in the data le.
The SAS System 09:33 Monday, November 5, 2012 10
The MEANS Procedure
Variable Label N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum
X X 30 10.2108583 1.2373869 7.6748992 13.4843440
Y Y 30 15.4861972 1.3359807 12.6635617 18.7004035
del0 del0 30 0.0750000 0 0.0750000 0.0750000
beta beta 30 0.0500000 0 0.0500000 0.0500000
The SAS System 09:33 Monday, November 5, 2012 11
Obs X Y del0 beta
1 10.05 15.12 0.075 0.05
2 8.97 14.55 0.075 0.05
3 9.78 15.62 0.075 0.05
4 7.67 12.66 0.075 0.05