Chapter 7Alternate Decoding Algorithms for Reed–Solomon Codes

7.1 Introduction: Workload for Reed–Solomon Decoding

In this chapter, we present two alternatives to the decoding algorithms presented in Chapter 6. The first is based upon a new key equation and is called remainder decoding. The second method is a list decoder capable of decoding beyond the design distance of the code.

A primary motivation behind the remainder decoder is that implementations of it may have lower decode complexity. The decode complexity for a conventional decoding algorithm for an images code having redundancy images is summarized by the following steps:

  1. Compute the syndromes. images syndromes must be computed, each with a computational cost of images, for a total cost of images. Furthermore, all syndromes must be computed, regardless of the number of errors.
  2. Find the error‐locator polynomial and the error evaluator. This has a computation cost (depending on the approach).
  3. Find the roots of the error‐locator polynomial. This has a computation ...

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