ES6 in Motion

Video description

See it. Do it. Learn it! ES6 in Motion is a unique video course that combines best-in-class video-based instruction with exercises designed to lock in what you learn. Expert developer and instructor Wes Higbee guides you through the most powerful ES6 features, like promises, arrow functions, and modules, giving you opportunities to practice and explore as you go. This self-paced tutorial includes over 7 hours of video teaching, neatly broken into digestible 5-7 minute lessons. Most video lectures drown you in words and leave you unsure if you really know what you're doing; with ES6 in Motion you'll be confident that you've learned because you can test your skills before you move on. If you've been struggling to wrap your head around ES6, or you're just looking for a fast way to level-up your JavaScript, it's time to get moving.

About the Technology

ES6, aka ECMAScript 2015, is the latest JavaScript language standard, offering dozens of powerful new language features. ES6 introduces proper classes, template strings, types, full support for Unicode, and more. For developers working with Node on server-side applications, the ES6 support for promises, arrow functions, and modules is a game-changer. ES6 keeps the simplicity and reliability you love about JavaScript, and adds the high-value professional language features you've been craving.

About the Video

What's Inside

  • Use arrow functions to write functional code
  • Clean apps using modules, classes, and variable scoping
  • Master asynchronous programming with promises
  • Rebuild arrays and objects with destructuring

About the Reader

This course is suitable for developers comfortable with using client-side JavaScript or Node.js.

About the Author

Wes Higbee is an experienced teacher and developer with two decades of JavaScript under his belt.

This course is a fantastic dive into the features of ES6. The instructor is an expert on the material, and does a wonderful job in breaking down complex material into easy-to-understand concepts.
- Peter Lawrence

This is a good introduction to the new changes coming to ES6. The course is well organized and covers a very good range of topics
- Vijay Patel

A valuable addition for everyone who is fresh to JavaScript, and more seasoned developers who are not familiar with all new ES6 features.
- Arne de Wall

Table of contents

  1. Welcome
    1. Welcome
    2. History and Feature Compatibility
  2. Arrow Functions
    1. Introducing Arrow Functions
    2. What Do These Arrow Functions Do
    3. Arrow Functions versus Function Declarations
    4. Computing Tax With A For Loop
    5. Array Mapping With Arrow Functions
    6. Caveat Object Literals From Arrow Functions
    7. Concision Key Takeaways
  3. This
    1. The Magic Of This
    2. The Secret This Tunnel
    3. Wishing This Were Lexically Bound
    4. The Self Workaround To This
    5. Understanding This Binding
    6. Fixing This With Bind
    7. Lexical This With Arrow Functions
    8. Caveat With Bind Call and Apply
    9. Lexical Takeaways
  4. Block Scoping
    1. Where Do You Prefer To Declare Variables
    2. Block vs. Function Scope
    3. Block Scoping With Let
    4. Inadvertent Clobbering
    5. Global Variable Pollution
    6. No More IIFEs
    7. Why You Should Declare Closer To Usage Now
    8. Const
    9. Takeaways
  5. Strings
    1. String Enhancements
    2. Cloning and Opening The WebStorm Project
    3. Why WebStorm Helps
    4. Template Literals
    5. Complex Expressions in Template Literals
    6. Multiline Template Literals
    7. Getting Functional and Injecting Multiline Expressions
    8. Tagged Template Literals
    9. String.raw
    10. Takeaways
  6. Destructuring
    1. Destructuring
    2. Object Literal Enhancements
    3. From Literals To Patterns
    4. Visualising Object Literals and Patterns
    5. Array Patterns
    6. The Key Is The Structure Of The Pattern
    7. Pattern Mismatches
    8. Destructuring Object Properties with a Custom Variable Name
    9. Pattern Matching with Assignments
    10. The Rest Parameter
    11. Pattern Matching with Function Parameters
    12. Safe Failures Provide Optional Matching
    13. Don't Get Crazy
    14. The Pattern Structure Is The Key
    15. Takeaway Challenge
  7. Defaults
    1. Patterns Everywhere
    2. Default Parameter Values
    3. For Of Loops and Array Prototype Entries
    4. Default Values in Destructuring
    5. Default Values with Arrow Function Parameters
    6. Destructuring Defaults With Arrow Functions
    7. Default Referring To Other Parameters And Variables
    8. Scope For Defaults
    9. Takeaways
  8. Iteration
    1. Iteration
    2. Why Iterables
    3. Custom Query Iteration
    4. Refactoring To The Iterator Protocol
    5. Refactor To Multiple Iterators
    6. Refactor To The Iterable Protocol
    7. The For Of Loop Works On Iterables
    8. The Rest Operator Works on Iterables
    9. The Spread Operator Works On Iterables
    10. Cleaning Up Iterables with Return
    11. Takeaways
  9. Generators
    1. Generators
    2. Generating Positive numbers with an Iterator
    3. Generators Simplify Iterators
    4. Generator Objects are Iterable and Iterators
    5. Debugging A Generator
    6. A Generator Is Like A Series Of Functions
    7. A Days Generator
    8. Refactoring The Person Query To A Generator
    9. Takeaways
  10. Promises
    1. Promises
    2. Callbacks
    3. Introducing Promises and Fetch
    4. Chaining Serial Async Operations Without Nesting
    5. Concise Async With Arrow Functions
    6. Catching Errors
    7. Understanding Error Fall Through
    8. Recovering From Async Errors
    9. Catching Thrown Errors Too
    10. Consuming Versus Producing Promises
    11. Callbacks with setTimeout
    12. Postulating A Promise-Based Delay
    13. Wrapping setTimeout with a Promise
  11. Generator Control Flow
    1. Generators Meet Promises
    2. Passing Data When Resuming Generators
    3. Yielding Promises
    4. Generator Control Flow With Delay
    5. Takeaways
  12. Classes
    1. Syntactic Sugar
    2. HtmlTags
    3. Instance Methods
    4. Prototype Methods
    5. Classes
    6. WebStorm Refactor Constructor Function to Class
    7. Class Declarations Are Not Hoisted
    8. Static Methods
    9. Inheritance and Prototypes
    10. Prototype Chains
    11. Extending Classes
  13. Modules
    1. Module Syntax
    2. The Need For Modules
    3. ES6 Module Syntax
    4. Module Loading
    5. jspm init
    6. Loading Modules With SystemJS
    7. Resources For Further Learning

Product information

  • Title: ES6 in Motion
  • Author(s): Wes Higbee
  • Release date: May 2017
  • Publisher(s): Manning Publications
  • ISBN: 10000MNLV201701