
2-node — In a 2-3 tree, a node that has two children.

3-node — In a 2-3 tree, a node that has three children.

adaptive quadrature — A technique in which a program detects areas where its approximation method may produce large errors and then refines its method in those areas.

adjacent — In a network, if two nodes are connected by a link, they are adjacent.

adversary — In cryptography, a person trying to intercept and decipher a message sent by a sender to a receiver.

algorithm — A recipe for getting something done.

ancestor — In a tree, a node's parent, its parent's parent, and so on to the root node are the node's ancestors.

array — A chunk of contiguous memory that a program can access by using indices—one index per dimension in the array.

associative array — See hash table.

asymptotic performance — The limit of an algorithm's performance as the problem size grows very large.

attacker — In cryptography, a person trying to intercept and decipher a message sent by a sender to a receiver.

augmenting path — A path through a residual capacity network that improves a maximal flow solution.

AVL tree — A sorted binary tree in which the heights of two subtrees at any given node differ by at most 1.

B-tree — A balanced tree in which internal nodes (called buckets) can hold several values and corresponding branches.

B+tree — Similar to a B-tree, except that the tree's nodes store only key values and pointers to the rest of each record's data instead of holding the data itself. ...

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