
16-bit characters, 41

42 as strings versus as integers, 187

; (semicolons)

statements without, 10–11

whitespace, 11–12

~ (bitwise complement) operator, 120

# (hash) symbol, 139

- (minus) operator, 84–92

+ (plus) operator, 84–92

= (simple assignment) operator, 14

_ (underscore), 15

!= (inequality) operator, 110, 370

! (logical notation) operator, 113

% (remainder) operator, 85

&& (AND) operator, 112, 373

' (single quote), 42

() (cast operator), 375–376

* (multiplication) operator, 85

+ (addition) operator, 85, 371–373

++ (increment) operator, 94–97

- - (decrement) operator, 94–97

/ (division) operator, 85

/// (three-forward-slash), 387

< (less than) operator, 110

<= (less than or equal to) operator, 110

== (equality) operator, 110, 370 ...

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