Index of 3.0 Topics


=> (equal sign, greater than) lambda operator, 517


Action delegates, 524525

Aggregate functions, 618

Anonymous functions, 516, 517

Anonymous methods, internals, 527528

Anonymous types

definition, 572

generating, 578

implicit local variables, 572576

in query expressions, 625626

type incompatibilities, 576577

type safety, 576577

var keyword, 572576

AsParallel() operator, 595

Automatically implemented properties

description, 240242

internals, 254

Average() method, 618


BinaryExpression, 535

bool, returning in lambda expressions, 520


C++ vs. C#

var keyword, 575

Variant, 575

void*, 575

Caching data, 600

Captured variables, 528530

Capturing loop variables, 531533

Cartesian products, 608, 638639

Chaining ...

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