Server Files and Locations
The following folders are found under the install path of SharePoint Services. Typically, that is C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\60.
Folder |
Description |
Files and purpose |
The physical directory addressed by the SharePoint Central Administration virtual directory. |
admin.asmx (ISAPI filter for administration) |
\BIN |
Contains the core binary files for Windows SharePoint Services. |
*.DLL (core binary files) OWSTIMER.EXE (Microsoft SharePoint Timer service) SMIGRATE.EXE (Microsoft SharePoint Migration Tool) STSADM.EXE (stsadm utility) STSCFG.EXE (configuration utility used by Setup) |
Contains the core binary files used by specific languages. |
FPEXT.MSG '(error messages and text strings) ONETINTL.DLL (core international binary file) |
Contains configuration files and default values for the server. |
*.xml (XML files used to map default values) appwpresweb.config (configuration file) adminweb.config (configuration file for the administrative virtual server) gacwpresweb.config (configuration file) layoutsweb.config (configuration file for the _layouts directory) web.config (configuration file for virtual servers) wss_mediumtrust.config (configuration file) wss_minimaltrust.config (configuration file) |
The physical directory addressed by the /_vti/_bin virtual directory. |
*.asmx (SOAP protocol receptors) *.aspx (form pages) Global.asax (ASP.NET namespace definition) *.xml |
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