

Add button 10

adjusted residuals 58

Agresti, A. 50, 52, 164

AIIC 158

Aitkin, M. 126

Akaike’s information criteria (AIC) 158

Altman, D.G. 23, 30, 77, 78

analysis of variance (ANOVA)

about 105

exercises 127–132

one-way 106–113

two-way 113–119

unbalanced 119–127

analysis of variance table 79


See analysis of variance (ANOVA)

aspect ratio, of scatter plots 92–96


backward elimination 156

baiting behaviour, effect of season on, at suicides 60

bar charts 42–46

Barnett, A. 200, 201

binary response variable 171–172

binary variables 48

birthrate data, plotting 92–96

bivariate data 71

bivariate normal distribution 77

bladder cancer, Poisson regression example of 208–212

box plots

about 19–22

analysing cloud seeding data using 143–150

analysing ...

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