Essential Administrative Tools

Vendor-provided system administration tools

The various operating systems provide the following GUI and menu-driven administrative tools.


smit, wsm






admintool, smc


redhat-config-* (Red Hat); yast2 (SuSE)


chroot directory command


Change the root to the specified directory, and then execute the specified command. The command will interpret all paths as starting from the specified directory (rather than /).


date MMDDhhmm[CC]YY[.ss]


Set the date and time (using a 24-hour clock). For example, the argument for 1:47 p.m. on September 5, 2002 is 0905134702.


file files


List the types of each specified file. Identification is made based on the “magic numbers” defined in the magic configuration file (its location varies by system).


find starting-dirs [matching-criteria-and-actions]


Locate files that have the specified characteristics, and perform the specified actions on each file. Starting-dirs is a list of one or more directories from which to start searching. If the matching-criteria expression returns a true value; then the specified actions are carried out on the matching file.

Matching-criteria options

-atime n

The file was last accessed exactly n days ago.

-mtime n

The file was last modified exactly n days ago.

-newer file

The file was modified more recently than file.

-size n

The file is n 512-byte blocks long (rounded up to next block). ...

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