Essentials of Planning, Selecting, and Tailoring Interventions for Unique Learners

Book description

A Resource for Designing and Implementing Intervention Programs for At-Risk Learners

This authoritative resource provides step-by-step procedures for planning, selecting, and tailoring interventions for at-risk learners with a unique focus on how to individualize interventions using actual case examples. In addition, this volume offers guidelines for gathering and interpreting data in a manner that assists in identifying targets for intervention and rich discussion and information relating to specific academic, cognitive, and behavioral manifestations of students with learning difficulties in reading, math, writing, and oral language. Practitioners will also recognize and learn how to intervene with students from underserved and mis-served populations who are at risk for learning failure including English-language learners and students from impoverished environments.

Each chapter describes how specific difficulties interfere with classroom tasks and explain how to select, modify, or otherwise tailor an intervention based on that information. As with all volumes in the Essentials of Psychological Assessment series, this volume includes callout boxes highlighting key concepts, extensive illustrative material, and test questions. The companion CD-ROM provides additional worksheets, case studies, and handouts.

Note: The ebook version does not provide access to the companion files.

Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. Essentials of Psychological Assessment Series
  3. Title Page
  4. Copyright
  5. Dedication
  6. Series Preface
  7. Acknowledgments
  8. Part I: Intervention Planning: Diagnostic Assessment, Response to Intervention, and Consultation
    1. Chapter One: A Systematic Method of Analyzing Assessment Results for Tailoring Interventions (SMAARTI)
      1. Planning and Selecting Interventions versus Tailoring Interventions
      2. A Method for Tailoring Interventions
      3. Steps of SMAARTI
      4. Summary
      5. References
    2. Chapter Two: Essentials of a Tiered Intervention System to Support Unique Learners: Recommendations from Research and Practice
      1. Preliminary Information About RTI
      2. Tier 1 Prevention
      3. Tier 2 Prevention
      4. Tier 3 Intervention
      5. Conclusion
      6. References
    3. Chapter Three: Home–School Collaboration for Intervention Planning
      1. What is Collaboration?
      2. Why Establish Partnerships Across School and Home?
      3. Key Components for Collaborative Partnerships
      4. Structured Problem Solving: Conjoint Behavioral Consultation
      5. Intervention Planning and Implementation
      6. Conclusions
      7. Note
      8. References
  9. Part II: Selecting and Tailoring Interventions and Individualizing Instruction
    1. Chapter Four: Tailoring Interventions in Reading Based on Emerging Research on the Development of Word Recognition Skills
      1. Preventing and Correcting Most Reading Difficulties
      2. Mystery Solved: Understanding Word-Level Reading Difficulties
      3. How we Store Words
      4. Recommendations Based on Current Knowledge
      5. Summary
      6. Notes
      7. References
    2. Chapter Five: Selecting and Tailoring Interventions for Students with Reading Difficulties
      1. Literacy Development
      2. A Neuropsychological Perspective
      3. Subtypes of Reading Disorders
      4. Choosing an Intervention
      5. Phonological Programs
      6. Fluency Programs
      7. Comprehension Programs
      8. Summary
      9. References
    3. Chapter Six: Selecting and Tailoring Interventions for Students with Mathematics Difficulties
      1. Overview of Mathematics Difficulties and Mathematics Learning Disabilities
      2. Summary of Common Reasons for Mathematics Difficulties and Mathematics Learning Disabilities
      3. Cases of Students with Mathematics Difficulties and Mathematics Learning Disabilities
      4. Interventions for Students with Mathematics Difficulty and Mathematics Learning Disabilities
      5. Summary and Conclusions
      6. References
    4. Chapter Seven: Selecting and Tailoring Interventions for Students with Written Expression Difficulties
      1. The News
      2. What Does It Take to Become a Good Writer?
      3. Writing Instruction
      4. Conclusion
      5. References
    5. Chapter Eight: Individualizing Instruction For Students With Oral And Written Language Difficulties
      1. I. Evidence-Based, Conceptual Framework for Functional Language Systems
      2. II. Assessment and Assessment-Instruction Tools
      3. III. Biological and Environmental Influences on Language
      4. IV. Models for Intervention
      5. V. General Guidelines for Individualizing Instruction and Illustrative Cases
      6. Note
      7. References
  10. Part III: Interventions for Underserved and Mis-served Populations
    1. Chapter Nine: Interventions for English Learners with Learning Difficulties
      1. Introduction
      2. Instructional Interventions for ELs
      3. Summary and Conclusion
      4. References
    2. Chapter Ten: Interventions for Students with Executive Skills and Executive Functions Difficulties
      1. Distinguishing Between Executive Skills and Executive Functions
      2. Executive Difficulties and Academic Production
      3. Assessment of Executive Difficulties
      4. Conceptual Basis for Executive Capacity Interventions
      5. Additional Issues Related to Intervention Conceptualization
      6. Suggested General Guidelines for Planning and Implementing Interventions
      7. General Intervention Strategies for Improving the Use of Executive Capacities
      8. Interventions for Executive Difficulties Impacting Academic Skill Production
      9. Interventions for Executive Difficulties Impacting Reading
      10. Interventions for Executive Function Difficulties Impacting Written Expression
      11. Interventions for Executive Functions Difficulties Impacting Math
      12. Intervention for Executive-Related Academic Production Difficulties in the Upper Grades
      13. Progress Monitoring
      14. Summary
      15. References
    3. Chapter Eleven: Interventions for Students with Memory Difficulties
      1. A Comprehensive Assessment
      2. Designing an Intervention
      3. Development of Metamemory
      4. Working Memory Exercises
      5. Rehearsal
      6. Long-Term Memory Strategies
      7. Recommendations for Classroom Instruction
      8. Educational Accommodations
      9. Case Study
      10. References
    4. Chapter Twelve: Interventions for Students with Lecture Note–Taking Difficulties
      1. The Functions of Note-Taking: Encoding and Review
      2. Individual Differences in Note-Taking and Their Relationship to Test Performance
      3. How to Improve Note-Taking
      4. Summary
      5. Note
      6. References
    5. Chapter Thirteen: Interventions for Students from Low Resource Environments: The Abecedarian Approach
      1. History of Implementing the Abecedarian Approach
      2. Identifying the Target Populations to Receive the Program
      3. Creating the Child Development Center
      4. Health and Family Support Services
      5. Commitment to High Quality in the Abecedarian Approach
      6. Education Curriculum
      7. Supervision for the Child Development Program
      8. Rationale for the Educational Elements of the Abecedarian Approach
      9. Summary of Findings
      10. How Levels of Participation are Associated with Child Outcomes
      11. Amount of Curriculum Activities
      12. Conclusion
      13. References
  11. About the Editors
  12. About the CD-ROM
  13. Index
  14. End User License Agreement
  15. About the CD

Product information

  • Title: Essentials of Planning, Selecting, and Tailoring Interventions for Unique Learners
  • Author(s): Dawn P. Flanagan, Vincent C. Alfonso, Jennifer T. Mascolo
  • Release date: March 2014
  • Publisher(s): Wiley
  • ISBN: 9781118368213