
Book Manifesto

This book is dedicated to the idea that there is a set of highly effective concepts and practices that supply chain professionals can use to significantly increase the competitiveness and profitability of their companies. Even though supply chains and the technology they employ are changing rapidly, these concepts and practices remain highly relevant over time—they are the essentials of supply chain management.

From decades of personal experience in the field and from many conversations and reading the works of other supply chain professionals and researchers, I have distilled out these supply chain essentials. I know you are busy and your time is valuable so I make every attempt to get to the point quickly and explain things clearly and concisely. This book provides a framework to understand the structure and operation of any supply chain. It also provides guidance in how to make effective use of the flood of new supply chain technologies, and how to operate the constantly changing real-time supply chains that support our global economy.

Supply Chains as Massively Multi-Player Online Role Playing Games

One of the most promising new technologies for designing and coordinating the operation of supply chains comes from the world of online gaming. I'm referring to a type of game called a “massively multi-player online role playing game” (MMORPG). In these online games, ...

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