Active information gathering, 53
Active sniffing, 140
Acunetix vulnerability scanner, 62
Address resolution protocol (ARP)
basics, 142
poisoning attack, 309
spoofing attack
denial of service attack, 144–145
Dsniff, 145
to perform MITM attacks, 145–147
poisoning, 144
schematic illustration, 144
working of, 142
Adobe PDF Embedded Exe, 210–211
tools, 293
WEP with, 298
WPA/WPA2 using, 302
Airodump-ng, 295
attacking target, 299
speeding up cracking process, 300
Alpha card, 294
Apache server, hacking
bypassing open_basedir using CGI shell, 476–477
bypassing open_basedir using mod_perl, mod_python, ...
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