Appendix A. Solutions

Here are suggested solutions for the études. Of course, your solutions may well be entirely different, and better.

Solution 1-2

(ns formulas.core
  (:require [clojure.browser.repl :as repl]))

(defonce conn
  (repl/connect "http://localhost:9000/repl"))


(defn distance
  "Calculate distance traveled by an object moving
  with a given acceleration for a given amount of time"
  [accel time]
  (* accel time time))
(defn kinetic-energy
  "Calculate kinetic energy given mass and velocity"
  [m v]
  (/ (* m v v) 2.0))
(defn centripetal
  "Calculate centripetal acceleration given velocity and radius"
  [v r]
  (/ (* v v) r))
(defn average
  "Calculate average of two numbers"
  [a b]
  (/ (+ a b) 2.0))

(defn variance
  "Calculate variance of two numbers"
  [a b]
  (- (* 2 (+ (* a a) (* b b))) (* (+ a b) (+ a b))))

Solution 1-3

(def G 6.6784e-11)

(defn gravitational-force
  "Calculate gravitational force of two objects of
  mass m1 and m2, with centers of gravity at a distance r"
  [m1 m2 r]
  (/ (* G m1 m2) (* r r)))

Solution 1-4

(defn monthly-payment
  "Calculate monthly payment on a loan of amount p,
  with annual percentage rate apr, and a given number of years"
  [p apr years]
  (let [r (/ (/ apr 100) 12.0)
        n (* years 12)
        factor (.pow js/Math (+ 1 r) n)]
    (* p (/ (* r factor) (- factor 1)))))

Solution 1-5

(defn radians
  "Convert degrees to radians"
  (* (/ (.-PI js/Math) 180) degrees))

(defn daylight
  "Find minutes of daylight given latitude in degrees and day of year.

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