Chapter 8. Asynchronous Processing

In this chapter, you will write an étude that uses core.async to do asynchronous processing. Even though the JavaScript environment is single-threaded, core.async allows you to work with anything that needs to be handled asynchronously; this is a very nice feature indeed.

Here are two examples of using core.async. In the first example, Annie and Brian are going to send each other the numbers 5 down to zero, stopping at zero, in a project named async1. You will need to add some :require and :require-macro specifications to your namespace:

(ns ^:figwheel-always async1.core
  (:require-macros [cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go go-loop]])
    (:require [cljs.core.async
               :refer [<! >! timeout alts! chan close!]]))

Then, define a channel for both Annie and Brian:

(def annie (chan))
(def brian (chan))

Annie gets two processes: one for sending messages to Brian and another for receiving messages from him:

(defn annie-send []
  (go (loop [n 5]
           (println "Annie:" n "-> Brian")
           (>! brian n)
           (when (pos? n) (recur (dec n))))))

(defn annie-receive []
  (go-loop []
           (let [reply (<! brian)]
             (println "Annie:" reply "<- Brian")
             (if (pos? reply)
               (close! annie)))))

In the annie-send function, you see the go function, which asynchronously executes its body and immediately returns to the calling function. The >! function sends data to a channel. The loop continues until n equals zero, at which point the function returns nil.

Because go and loop occur together ...

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