Appendix A. Solutions to Études
Here are the solutions that I came up with for the études in this book.
Solution 2-1
Here is a suggested solution for Étude 2-1.
defmodule Geom do def area(length, width) do length * width end end
Solution 2-2
Here is a suggested solution for Étude 2-2.
defmodule Geom do def area(length \\ 1, width \\ 1) do length * width end end
Solution 2-3
Here is a suggested solution for Étude 2-3.
defmodule Geom do @moduledoc """ Functions for calculating areas of geometric shapes. from *Études for Elixir*, O'Reilly Media, Inc., 2013. Copyright 2013 by J. David Eisenberg. """ @vsn 0.1 @doc """ Calculates the area of a rectangle, given the length and width. Returns the product of its arguments. The default value for both arguments is 1. """ @spec area(number(), number()) :: number() def area(length \\ 1, width \\ 1) do length * width end end
Solution 3-1
Here is a suggested solution for Étude 3-1.
defmodule Geom do @moduledoc """ Functions for calculating areas of geometric shapes. from *Études for Elixir*, O'Reilly Media, Inc., 2013. Copyright 2013 by J. David Eisenberg. """ @vsn 0.1 @doc """ Calculates the area of a shape, given the shape and two of the dimensions. Returns the product of its arguments for a rectangle, one half the product of the arguments for a triangle, and :math.pi times the product of the arguments for an ellipse. """ @spec area(atom(), number(), number()) :: number() def area(:rectangle, length, width) do length * width end ...
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