CHAPTER 20Choosing the Right Technology Partner

In the era of virtual and hybrid events, event professionals have a wealth of opportunities available to maximize their events programming. The only limitation is their imagination—and the capabilities of their technology partners.

But before considering which providers can best help you achieve your goals, it's important to start with a strong definition of what those goals are and how you intend to measure them. Here we would also encourage you to think bigger, and differently, about your events portfolio. The pandemic has served to reinvigorate an industry that has long resisted change, and now is the time to reconsider everything—from how you've always done things to why you do them in the first place.

Questions to Ask When Determining Event Technology Needs

Below are key questions to ask yourself and your team before considering which event technology solution will best suit your needs.

What type of event or events are we hosting?   Events are no longer just one thing, or even just three things. While we now tend to think of virtual, in-person, and hybrid as the three options, it's important to recognize that hybrid events exist on a spectrum. Some might be largely in person with a smaller emphasis on virtual attendees, while others might be mostly digital with in-person elements to enhance that virtual experience. Before committing to a technology partner, it's important to consider where your events will land on the ...

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