Interrupt your life to bring you this important message—if anything counts at all, everything counts, no matter how big, no matter how small and this book will show you exactly why and how to address it. Everything Counts! is an execution strategy for inspiring excellence and driving exceptional results. It offers a profoundly important message for running a great business and for enjoying a great quality of life. Its meaning is simple, yet powerful: Everything you say; every thought you entertain; and everything you do has a direction, which serves as an advance or a retreat in respect to your pursuit of excellence. Everything—regardless of size or intent—has bottom-line consequences; therefore, everything counts. This is the golden rule of excellence.
Self-knowledge grows as you subject your life to examination. Listening to your own speech, reflecting on your own thoughts, looking at your own actions—these are the processes by which you master your growth and capabilities. You shape your philosophies and abilities by observing, and striving to understand the events of each moment. A focus on virtues to attain and vices to forego is crucial.
Everything Counts! serves as a call to greater personal awareness, accountability, and self-discipline; not to neurosis. It offers a fresh, honest perspective on living; an ongoing investigation of truth. And in this investigation, everything counts.
One thing is undeniable: making everything count requires a conscientious and sustained ...
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