11Accelerating Drug Discovery with Quantum Computing
Mahesh V.* and Shimil Shijo
T. John college, Computer Application Department, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
The evolution of molecular formulations into medications to treat or remedy diseases is the foundation of the pharmaceutical business. Therefore, it is crucial that the pharmaceutical industry devotes a full 15% of its sales to research and development, which accounts for more than 20% of all R&D expenditures across all productions in the global economy. The trial-and-error method is typically used to create drugs, which is not only expensive but also risky and difficult to complete. Drug companies may potentially save a huge money and time by using quantum computing to better understand drugs and their effects on people. By enabling businesses to undertake more drug discoveries and develop breakthrough medical treatments, these computer advancements have the potential to significantly boost efficiency and lead to a more productive pharmaceutical industry. Pharmaceutical research and development has recently embraced artificial intelligence (AI). The succeeding digital frontier in drug detection is quantum computing (QC).
Keywords: Quantum computing, drug discovery, computer-aided drug design, artificial intelligence, quantum circuit, Qubit
11.1 Introduction
Computer science significant advancements in hardware and algorithms, quantum computing has developed quickly in recent years. The eventual commercial utility ...
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