

additive measures 21

administrative tasks 237

administrator role types 237

Advanced Editor 180181

alternate key columns 5, 6

asynchronous transforms 140143


business rules for 244245

changing 127

changing values of 1011

columns 57

creating 235237

dimension tables, determining 24

fixed 127

grouping related 4

implementing 243

auditing 1617

audit logging 160

Audit transform 137139


backup files 46, 47

Balanced Tree (B-Tree) structure 25

blocking transforms 140

breakpoints 171174

built-in connectors 79

business rules 244246, 256


cache limitations 145

calendar hierarchy 8

CDC. See Change Data Capture

Centralized approach 254

Change Data Capture (CDC) 83, 146, 147148

components of 155156

control task 155156

in SSIS ...

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