Chapter 12: Custom Dialog Box Alternatives
• Using an input box to get user input
• Using a message box to display messages or get a simple response
• Selecting a file from a dialog box
• Selecting a directory
• Displaying Excel's built-in dialog boxes
Before You Create That UserForm . . .
Dialog boxes are, perhaps, the most important user interface element in Windows programs. Virtually every Windows program uses them, and most users have a good understanding of how they work. Excel developers implement custom dialog boxes by creating UserForms. However, VBA provides the means to display some built-in dialog boxes, with minimal programming required.
Before I get into the nitty-gritty of creating UserForms (beginning with Chapter 13), you might find it helpful to understand some of Excel's built-in tools that display dialog boxes. The sections that follow describe various dialog boxes that you can display without creating a UserForm.
Using an Input Box
An input box is a simple dialog box that allows the user to make a single entry. For example, you can use an input box to let the user enter text or a number or even select a range. You can generate an InputBox in two ways: by using a VBA function and by using a method of the Application object.
The VBA InputBox function
The syntax for VBA's InputBox function is
InputBox(prompt[,title][,default][,xpos][,ypos][,helpfile, context])
• prompt: Required. The text displayed in the InputBox.
• title: Optional. The caption ...